Painful joints are bothering you! Try a simple recipe with lemon peel

Lemon is an extremely useful fruit that offers us numerous health benefits. It has a wide range of healing properties and can help us in case of various health problems, it has a positive effect on the stomach, liver, as well as on strengthening our immune and cardiovascular systems.

Lemon is extremely effective in preventing various diseases, including kidney stones, high blood pressure, flu, bronchitis, etc.

It’s not just the benefits of lemons, this recipe with lemon peel will help you get rid of painful joints! Components: – 2 lemons – olive oil – a jar Preparation: Peel the lemon and put its rind in a jar.

Then fill the jar with olive oil, close it tightly and keep it in a dark place for 2 weeks. After that period, strain the mixture through cheesecloth and apply the prepared oil on the painful joints.

For best results, apply the treatment before going to bed so the oil will work overnight. If you are not able to put the compress on overnight, then apply it in the same way and rest for 3-4 hours.

Author: urednik