Posted in Zdravlje

BILJKE KOJE ČISTE PLUĆA I SALATA ZA PUŠAČE: Travar Momčilović otkriva koje su LIJEK, a koje OTROV – jednu izbjegavati

Poznati narodni travar Momčilo Anonijević otkrio je koje su biljke idealne za bronhije, kašalj, disajne puteve, ali i za pušače! Ljekovite biljke, kako im i…

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Posted in Zdravlje

NAPOKON: Istraživanja dokazala da je rakija zdrava!

Na balkaskim prostorima se oduvijek tvrdilo da rakija djeluje ljekovito i da jedna čaša može biti dobra za vaše zdravlje, što je sada i medicinski potvrđeno. Istraživanja su…

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Posted in Zdravlje

MOLERI ZNAJU, ALI VAM NEĆE OTKRITI: Genijalan trik da se zauvijek riješite vlage i neprijatnih mirisa

Vlaga je ozbiljan problem po zdravlje, a u zimskom periodu, osim što šteti zdravlju, vlaga i buđ po zidovima predstavljaju i estetski problem. Zato je…

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Posted in Zdravlje

MOĆNI RASTVOR KOJI KOŠTA JEDVA POLA MARKE, a čini čuda: Sobne i dvorišne biljke cvjetaju kao lude poslije njega

Za održavanje baštenskog i saksijskog cvijeća često je potrebno izdvojiti dosta vremena, ali i novca za posebne preparate koji će pospešiti rast biljaka i zaštititi…

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Posted in Zdravlje

Fast and effective DIET WITH PRUNES – lose up to 1 kg per day (MENU AND EXPERIENCES OF OTHERS)

Diet with prunes is considered one of the fastest, so it is recommended for healthy people who want to lose extra pounds in a very…

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Posted in Zdravlje

Lemon and parsley – an excellent remedy against bacteria

The combination of lemon and parsley, with the addition of honey and olive oil, becomes an excellent remedy against bacteria, especially Escherichia coli. Parsley is…

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Posted in Zdravlje

Cabbage helps against Malignant bacteria in the stomach!

Helicobacter is a bacterium that lives in the stomach and at the beginning of the duodenum. It causes inflammation and causes increased acidity, stomach and…

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Posted in Zdravlje

Painful joints are bothering you! Try a simple recipe with lemon peel

Lemon is an extremely useful fruit that offers us numerous health benefits. It has a wide range of healing properties and can help us in…

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